GMG Colorproof

GMG ColorProof: efficient, accurate, and reliable proofing
Producing printed matters will inevitably present the need to predict and approve the desired print result before going to press. GMG ColorProof is the benchmark in digital proofing. Setting industry standards and a globally recognized solution guarantee a contract proof system that all parties can trust: from the pressroom to prepress, as well as agencies and marketing departments.





Consistent proof system results anytime, anywhere

GMG ColorProof is at the heart of a powerful system integrating digital color proofing devices and GMG ProofMedia that simulate the final print results of a printing press. GMG’s innovative calibration concept ensures stability and reliability across a range of proofing- and measuring-devices in multiple locations.




Plug & Proof

GMG ColorProof comes pre-loaded with color profiles for all standards, ensuring a ‘no hassle’ setup. Simply select your printer, calibrate and proof. Thanks to the pre-loaded color profiles, creating color-accurate reference proofs is effortless.




Consistent results across multiple locations

Thanks to GMG ColorProof GO and the remote proofing function, it’s simple to achieve the same print results wherever your printer is located – in the room next door or in another country. Controlled via a browser, all proofers on the systems are easily controlled and managed from anywhere in the world. 

GMG ColorProof GO - Find out more